Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid – Albert Einstein. 

You were born with special features and unique abilities (gifts /talents). The reason you have them, is simply to give you a special advantage or competitive edge on earth. Yes, you are that valuable, but your true worth will never be known if you are living a life that does not deploy or maximize your uniqueness! 

You are a ruler in your territory but will keep struggling, trying to be king / queen somewhere else!

Written by Kwasi David A.

Founder, Legendary School of Self-discovery (LSS).

Interested in discovering who you are, developing yourself and living your own life? 

Simply contact us on: www.lsselfdiscovery.com, lsselfdiscovery@gmail.com or +2348030774532.